Scientists develop shape-shifting robot helpers inspired by ants

Credit: Katie Lenhart

Have you ever seen ants join together to create bridges, rafts, or other structures? They change shape depending on what they need. Imagine if we could make robots that could do the same.

This idea is what Luyang Zhao and her friends from different universities set out to create. They wanted robots that could come together and change shape to help in different situations.

What Are StarBlocks?

StarBlocks are like building blocks, but cooler. Each block looks like a star and can change its shape. It’s like if you had a toy that could become many different toys.

Luyang Zhao, a student who loves robots, worked with a team from Dartmouth, Rutgers University, and Yale University to make this idea come to life.

These blocks are made using a special 3D printer. The material is light, a mix between plastic and rubber. This means they can stretch and bend but still stay strong.

Inside these blocks, there are little springs that can be heated up with electricity. When these springs heat up, they can make the block move, bend, and even change its size. To stick together, these blocks have magnets at their corners.

The team showed off what StarBlocks could do. They built a mini tent, a wheel that can roll, a small robot dog that can walk, a robot arm that can pick things up, and even a chain that moves like a wave to roll a ball.

The best part? The blocks can even come together on their own! A computer watches them using a camera and tells certain blocks to move closer to others.

Why Are StarBlocks So Special?

StarBlocks are unique because they can change into different things and then move or work in that new shape. Devin Balkcom, a computer science professor, said that it’s rare for robots to be able to change shape and then do tasks.

These robots mix the best parts of many systems. They can change easily, can be fixed quickly if something breaks, and they mix the softness of squishy robots with the strength of hard ones.

In the future, we might see big versions of these StarBlocks coming to help in emergencies. Imagine a helicopter dropping these blocks, and then they come together to make a safe tent for people to stay in!

The world of robots is changing, and StarBlocks are leading the way. They show us that when things work together, they can do amazing stuff, just like ants in nature.

The study was published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.