Mountain biking: health benefits outweigh the risks, says new study

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A new study by Curtin University’s School of Nursing aims to debunk the widely held notion that mountain biking is an extreme, injury-prone sport reserved for adrenaline junkies.

By analyzing data from dozens of global studies, including those from Australia, the researchers found that the majority of mountain biking injuries are mild, such as bruises, scratches, and cuts to the upper limbs.

The study, published in PLoS ONE, examined injuries sustained by 220,935 mountain bikers and 17,757 hikers, revealing that hikers often suffer from blisters and ankle sprains.

As mountain biking and hiking continue to surge in popularity as recreational activities, understanding the types of injuries associated with them becomes crucial for proper medical care.

Contrary to common perception, most reported injuries related to mountain biking were of low severity. Lead author Ph.D. candidate Paul Braybrook noted that while ankle sprains were common among hikers, arm fractures were more prevalent among mountain bikers.

The research highlighted the importance of wearing quality helmets, as one study in the review reported that more than half of mountain biking injuries involved the head.

Health and Economic Benefits

The study doesn’t just aim to set the record straight about mountain biking’s risk level; it also shines a spotlight on the numerous benefits of engaging in these outdoor activities.

Mountain biking and hiking have positive effects on cardiovascular health, help in reducing high blood pressure, obesity, high blood cholesterol, and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Moreover, these activities are also advantageous for local economies, as they attract tourists and adventure enthusiasts.

Mountain biking has evolved from its early days of being a “radical” sport. Advances in trail design, mountain bikes, footwear, and protective gear have reduced the risks of severe injuries significantly.

Braybrook notes a “cultural shift” away from the extreme styles of riding that were synonymous with the sport’s infancy.


Given that we are in the season of spring, Paul Braybrook encourages people to head out to their nearest trails for a bike ride or hike.

The study conclusively shows that the health benefits of engaging in these activities far outweigh the risks.

“These are fun activities, great for fitness and with only the occasional scratch or bruise likely to result,” says Braybrook.

So, if you’ve been hesitant about hitting the mountain biking trails or going on a hike, this study provides good reason to reconsider.

If you care about wellness, please read studies about exercise that is vital to improving longevity in older people, and this dieting method could help increase longevity.

For more information about wellness, please see recent studies that vitamin D supplements strongly reduce cancer death, and results showing this type of exercise may slow down bone aging.

The study was published in PLoS ONE.

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