Prunes may help reduce high blood pressure

Credit: Smith/Pixabay.

High blood pressure, a common condition with potential health risks such as heart disease and stroke, might have found a new adversary in prunes, according to a study from Shifa College of Medicine.

Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, prunes could provide some degree of control over high blood pressure and consequently, protect heart health.

Prunes: Nutritional Benefactors

Prunes, essentially dried plums, are free of added sugars and boast of an impressive nutrient profile. Containing vitamin B6, manganese, and copper, prunes aid in the normal energy release from foods.

Prior research points to the capacity of fruits and vegetables, like prunes, to reduce blood pressure due to their antioxidant content and other health benefits.

Study Overview

The research aimed to assess the protective effects of prunes on heart health. The study included 259 participants with systolic blood pressures ranging between 120-139 mmHg and diastolic BP between 80-89 mmHg.

Participants were divided into two treatment groups (consuming either 3 or 6 prunes daily) and a control group (consuming a glass of plain water each morning).

Key Findings

The study revealed a significant reduction in blood pressure in participants who consumed a single dose of prunes (3 prunes) daily.

With the double dose of prunes (6 prunes), systolic BP saw a substantial reduction.

Interestingly, while the control group noted a significant increase in HDL (“good” cholesterol), the test groups displayed strongly reduced cholesterol and LDL (“bad” cholesterol) levels.

High HDL cholesterol levels can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke, while high LDL cholesterol levels can increase these risks.


The study’s findings suggest that prunes could play a role in controlling high blood pressure, thereby offering potential protection for heart health.

However, these results warrant further research for validation and to understand the mechanisms behind prunes’ blood pressure-lowering effects.

The study, conducted by Talat Ahmed and his team, strengthens the existing evidence supporting the cardiovascular benefits of incorporating fruits like prunes into the diet.

For more information on high blood pressure, please read studies about the optimal time to administer high blood pressure medication and a novel method for treating high blood pressure.

Other recent studies highlight that beetroot juice could help lower high blood pressure, and a common plant nutrient might aid in reducing high blood pressure.

The research is published in the Journal of Ayub Medical College and was conducted by Talat Ahmed et al.

If you care about blood pressure, please read studies that blood pressure swings could be an early sign of heart disease, and beetroot may protect against high blood pressure.

For more information about blood pressure, please see recent studies that many people with high blood pressure use drugs that worsen it, and results showing this olive oil could reduce blood pressure in healthy people.

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