New tool helps spot suicide risk for self-harm patients

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Have you ever had a really tough day when everything feels impossible?

Well, some people have days like this more often than others, and sometimes, they hurt themselves.

Now, scientists have come up with a way to help these people. They’ve created a tool called OxSATS to spot those at risk of suicide after they’ve hurt themselves.

This is important because we don’t want anyone to feel so bad that they might take their own life.

Why OxSATS is Important

Each year, lots of people harm themselves. And, sadly, the risk of suicide for these folks is 20 times higher than for everyone else.

But figuring out who is most at risk is not always easy. We usually use lists of signs to check how people are feeling, but these lists don’t always do a good job.

That’s where OxSATS comes in. It’s a special tool designed to do a better job at finding out who’s at risk of suicide after they’ve hurt themselves.

How Scientists Made OxSATS

Some smart people from Sweden collected information about more than 50,000 people who had harmed themselves.

They used this information to come up with OxSATS, which takes into account things like age, sex, drug use, mental health issues, and past self-harm.

The tool is like a calculator that crunches all these factors together to figure out who’s most likely to be at risk.

Testing OxSATS: How Well Does It Work?

To see if OxSATS works, the researchers looked at two big groups of people who had hurt themselves.

They found that about 1 in 70 people ended up taking their own lives within two years of hurting themselves. This was sadly true for both groups.

The researchers found that some people were more likely to be at risk. These included men, people who had used drugs, those who had mental health problems, and those who had hurt themselves before.

Using OxSATS, the scientists were able to correctly spot 68 out of 100 people who would take their own lives within 6 months, and 82 out of 100 within a year.

The Next Steps for OxSATS

Now, don’t get too excited yet. Even though OxSATS did a pretty good job, the researchers say we still need to test it more.

Plus, simply knowing who’s at risk isn’t enough. We also need to figure out the best ways to help these people once we’ve identified them.

Why This Matters to Everyone

Even if you or someone you know hasn’t hurt themselves, this is still important. It shows how we’re getting better at understanding mental health and how to help those who are struggling.

The hope is that OxSATS and tools like it can help us keep more people safe, happy, and healthy.

So, remember, if you or someone else is feeling really low, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. There are people who care and tools like OxSATS that can help spot those at risk.


In the end, what matters most is that we care for each other. This new tool is a step in the right direction, making it easier for us to help those who need it most.

OxSATS might just be a fancy calculator for now, but one day, it might save someone’s life.

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The study was published in BMJ Mental Health.

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