How cameras could make your commute faster and easier

Credit: Credit: Sensors (2023).

Imagine if buses could do more than just take you to your destination—they could also help improve traffic and make your commute faster!

Well, researchers at The Ohio State University have come up with a clever idea to make this happen.

They used the cameras already installed on campus buses to count and track vehicles on the roads.

By doing this, they can gather valuable information about traffic conditions and make transportation systems work better for everyone.

In the past, researchers had to use humans to watch videos and identify vehicles, but now they use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to do this automatically.

This saves a lot of time and makes the process more efficient.

The best part is that they didn’t need to spend extra money on special cameras because they used the ones already on the buses for safety and security reasons. This means other cities can easily use this method without added costs too.

The system uses a smart AI model called YOLOv4 to detect and track objects on the road. It’s really good at recognizing multiple objects at once in the camera’s view.

By collecting all this data and processing it automatically, they can learn more about traffic patterns and make smarter decisions about how to improve roads and reduce congestion. This could mean less time stuck in traffic and more options for getting around.

The researchers believe that with widespread use of this system, transportation planning and operation could become much more efficient. This means better-designed roads and a smoother travel experience for everyone.

So, the next time you hop on a bus, remember that it’s not just a ride—it could be a part of making our roads smarter and our commutes faster!

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