The growing problem of diabetic eye disease in the US

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Diabetes is a common health problem in America. But many people don’t realize it can also damage the eyes and cause blindness.

A new study has found that almost 10 million Americans could lose their sight because of a disease called diabetic retinopathy.

In 2021, about 9.6 million people in the U.S. had diabetic retinopathy.

That’s 26% of people with diabetes. The study also found that about 2 million people had the most severe form of the disease, which threatens their vision.

What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

David Rein from the University of Chicago said that this problem is getting worse because diabetes is becoming more common in the U.S. It’s very important for people with diabetes to get their eyes checked regularly.

Diabetic retinopathy happens when the small blood vessels in the eye are damaged.

Dr. Talia Kaden, an eye doctor in New York City, explained that this damage can cause swelling or bleeding in the back of the eye, or lead to the formation of abnormal blood vessels. If it’s not treated, it can cause vision loss.

How Common is This Problem?

The study found that 1 out of 4 Americans aged 40 and older have diabetic eye disease. This is more than twice the number from 2004.

Even young people are affected. More than 1 out of 10 people with diabetes under 24 years old, and nearly 1 out of 5 people aged 25 to 39, had diabetic retinopathy.

The study also found that Black and Hispanic people are more likely to have the severe form of diabetic retinopathy.

This may be because they have more health problems, such as not being able to get healthcare, not having enough food, or not exercising enough.

Differences Across States

The study also found that some states have higher rates of diabetic retinopathy. The rates were highest in poorer areas, especially in the Deep South. The lowest rate was in Nevada (21%), and the highest was in Hawaii (34%).

Importance of Screening and Early Treatment

Dr. Rein and Dr. Kaden said that it’s very important for people with diabetes to get their eyes checked regularly. If the disease is caught early, it can be treated and vision loss can be prevented.

Dr. Kaden said that people with diabetes should see an eye doctor every year. If they have problems like new blood vessels or swelling in the eye, they may need to see the doctor more often.

There are good treatments for diabetic retinopathy. Doctors can use injections, medicines, and lasers to treat the disease.

Xiangrong Kong, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, said that preventing blindness from diabetic eye disease should be a top priority for doctors and patients with diabetes.

If you care about eye health, please read studies about 5 dangerous signs you have diabetes-related eye disease, and how to protect your eyes from glaucoma.

For more information about eye health, please see recent studies about how to protect your eyes from diabetes, and results showing that vitamin B3 may help treat common blinding eye disease.

The study was published in JAMA Ophthalmology.

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