Magic of healthy foods: how a plant-based diet can beat type 2 diabetes

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Do you know that what you eat can help you fight a disease?

Yep, it’s true! A new research study found out that eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help people with a type of sickness called “type 2 diabetes”.

The study was shared in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.

The Super Power of Healthy Foods

The research looked at 59 patients who have heart health issues and type 2 diabetes. They went to a special health center in Virginia, USA, where they ate a diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

This special diet is low in fat too. While eating this way and getting their regular treatments, they saw their blood sugar levels improve.

What’s more exciting is that over a third of them didn’t have diabetes anymore. Isn’t that cool? They also lost weight, which is great because it makes them healthier overall.

Learning from Past Research

Past research showed that a diet full of plants could improve diabetes. But those studies mostly looked at diets with very low calories, or used meal replacements like shakes.

This new study is special because it shows that you can fight diabetes simply by eating healthy food. That’s really important!

The Doctor’s Take

Dr. Gunadhar Panigrahi, the main author of the study, said that diabetes is a growing problem. He also said that doctors are starting to realize how powerful a good diet can be.

This research helps show that a diet full of plants can help people with diabetes to be healthier. Dr. Panigrahi believes we need more education for doctors and patients about the benefits of eating healthy.

The Power of Data

The researchers looked at the health records of the patients treated at the wellness clinic from 2007 to 2021.

They were looking for patients who started eating more plants and saw their blood sugar levels improve. They also found out who no longer had diabetes.

The Results of the Study

The study used a standard definition of ‘remission’, which means a patient doesn’t have diabetes anymore. On average, the patients were 71.5 years old and their ages ranged from 41 to 89 years.

Among these patients, 22 of the 59 were able to beat their diabetes. The study also noticed that the patients needed fewer medications to control their blood sugar after changing their lifestyle.

The Surprise Findings

The study also found that many patients didn’t start with a goal of treating their diabetes with a plant-based diet. They learned about the benefits of eating this way and exercising regularly at the wellness center.

Micaela Karlsen, a research director, said that some people might think it’s hard to follow a diet full of plants.

But the research shows that it’s not only doable but can be enjoyable too. She said that even if not everyone can get rid of diabetes completely, it’s still worth a try.

The Future of the Study

The researchers said that more research needs to be done.

They want to find out how many people are willing to change their lifestyles as part of their routine treatment. They also want to understand what helps people stick to a diet full of plants.

In conclusion, eating a diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can do magic. It can help control diabetes and even get rid of it. Isn’t it amazing what healthy food can do? So, remember to eat your veggies and fruits!

If you care about diabetes, please read studies about berry that can help prevent diabetes, obesity and cancer, and new drugs to treat diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

For more information about diabetes, please see recent studies about the normal blood sugar for people with diabetes, results showing that Zinc may be the key to better diabetes treatments.

The study was published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.

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