Are packaged snacks affecting your mood? Unpacking the science

Credit: Charlesdeluvio / Unsplash

We all love a tasty snack, don’t we? But did you know that the processed foods we eat might be affecting our mood?

Scientists are beginning to find links between the food we eat and our mental health.

Let’s dig into this and see what they’ve found.

Defining Ultra-Processed Foods

First, we need to understand what ‘ultra-processed foods’ are. These foods go through lots of changes to make them last longer and taste better.

This could include adding things like sugar, fat, and even artificial colors and flavors. These foods usually don’t contain much of the original, natural food anymore.

You might be thinking of some examples. Things like fizzy drinks, packaged snacks, and even some types of meat are often ultra-processed.

They’re easy to make or eat right out of the package, but they don’t usually have a lot of the nutrients that our bodies need.

Linking Food and Mood

Now, let’s talk about the link between these foods and our mental health.

The Florida Atlantic University’s Schmidt College of Medicine conducted a study to find out if people who eat a lot of ultra-processed foods have more problems with their mental health.

The researchers talked to over 10,000 adults and asked them about their diet and mental health. They asked questions about things like depression, anxiety, and general feelings of mental unhealthiness.

Findings of the Study

What did they find? Well, it turns out that people who ate the most ultra-processed food did have more mental health issues.

They were more likely to feel mildly depressed and anxious, and they reported more ‘mentally unhealthy’ days. This is compared to people who ate less of these types of foods.

These findings are important not just for people in the U.S., but for everyone. Many Western countries have similar diets, with a lot of ultra-processed foods.

Why Does This Happen?

The researchers think that this might be because ultra-processed foods don’t have a lot of nutrients.

They’re often high in sugar, fat, and salt, but low in things like protein, fiber, and vitamins. Eating a lot of this kind of food can mean that our bodies aren’t getting what they need to stay healthy.

This is a big deal. In the U.S., over 70 percent of packaged foods are ultra-processed, and they make up about 60 percent of all the calories that Americans eat.

So, the results of this study could have a big impact on our health.

The Bigger Picture

About 1 in 5 adults have a mental illness, like depression or anxiety. These illnesses can affect our lives in many ways, and they’re one of the main causes of disability and death.

That’s why it’s so important to learn more about what affects our mental health, including our diet.

The researchers think that more studies are needed to understand this better. They hope that their work will inspire other scientists to look into this important issue.


So, what can we learn from all this? Well, it’s a reminder that what we eat matters, not just for our bodies, but for our minds too.

By choosing less processed foods, we might be able to improve our mental health. It’s something to think about next time you’re reaching for a snack!

If you care about nutrition, please read studies about how the Mediterranean diet could protect your brain health, and the best time to take vitamins to prevent heart disease.

For more information about nutrition, please see recent studies that olive oil may help you live longer, and vitamin D could help lower the risk of autoimmune diseases.

The study was published in Public Health Nutrition.

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