A new hope for people with high cholesterol

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Imagine you have a sink in your house that keeps getting clogged up. It can be a real pain, right?

Something similar can happen in our bodies when we have too much of a fatty substance called cholesterol. This can lead to heart problems.

Now, there is a common medicine called statins that doctors give to people to lower their cholesterol. You might know these medicines by their popular names like Lipitor and Crestor.

They work by slowing down the production of cholesterol in an organ called the liver.

But, not everyone can take statins. About 10% of people feel a lot of muscle pain when they take these medicines. For these folks, their options are pretty limited. But, don’t worry, there’s some good news on the way.

Introducing Nexletol: The New Medicine

There’s a new drug that can help people who can’t take statins. It’s called Nexletol, or bempedoic acid.

This medicine also slows down the production of cholesterol in the liver. But it does it in a different way than statins and doesn’t cause muscle pain.

Recently, a big study was done on Nexletol. The study involved nearly 14,000 people who could only take a very small dose of statins or none at all.

Half of them were given Nexletol every day and the other half got a pill that didn’t do anything (a dummy pill).

What Does The Study Show?

The results of the study were quite exciting. The people who took Nexletol had a 13% lower chance of having serious heart problems.

When researchers looked at specific heart conditions, they found that Nexletol reduced the risk of heart attacks by 23%. It also lowered by 19% the need for procedures to unclog arteries.

However, the researchers did not see a difference in the number of deaths. They said that they might need more time to see if the drug affects this.

Dr. Steven Nissen of the Cleveland Clinic, who led the study, said that this drug could have a “huge impact on public health.” But, he also reminded us that statins are still the first choice of medicine for lowering cholesterol.

What Do Other Doctors Think?

Dr. John H. Alexander of Duke University, who was not part of the study, thinks the results are “compelling.” He wrote that the drug should be used by patients who can’t or don’t want to take statins.

But, he also warned that Nexletol should not be thought of as an alternative to statins. Statins are still the top choice for most patients.

Who Made Nexletol?

The company that makes Nexletol is called Esperion Therapeutics. They paid for the study.

The Final Word

This study gives hope to people who can’t take statins. But remember, medicines are not the only way to control cholesterol. Eating healthy, staying active, and not smoking can also help keep our cholesterol levels just right.

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