Probiotics: Tiny helpers for a healthy heart?

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Griffith University’s scientists in Australia have made an exciting discovery.

They have found a link between taking probiotics and a lower risk of heart disease. This research is new and intriguing, so let’s delve deeper.

What are Probiotics?

In simple terms, probiotics are our body’s friendly bacteria. They’re important for our health and help our bodies work as they should.

When we have the right balance of these good bacteria in our bodies, we are better able to fight off bad bacteria.

Probiotics can also make us feel more comfortable when our stomachs are upset. They help keep our bodies’ microbiome in balance.

The microbiome is a fancy name for all the tiny living things, like bacteria and fungi, that call our bodies home.

Probiotics: The Good Stuff They Do

Past studies have shown that probiotics can help us in many ways. They can prevent or treat diarrhea that can be caused by infections or antibiotics.

They can also help manage symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Probiotics help strengthen our immune system and can lower inflammation and allergies.

Probiotics and Heart Health: The Study

The recent study from Griffith University was about heart health. The scientists wanted to see if probiotics could affect things that increase the risk of heart disease.

These include high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, and high blood sugar.

To do this, they looked at 34 studies with 2,177 adults. They discovered that taking probiotics was linked with lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels.

Even the body mass index (BMI), which can indicate if a person is overweight, was lower with probiotic use. And guess what? The good cholesterol, known as HDL, increased!

Now, let’s talk a bit about why this is important. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats.

Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure when the heart rests between beats. Lowering these numbers is good for heart health.

We also have two types of cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is the “bad” type, because too much of it can clog our arteries, leading to heart disease.

HDL cholesterol, the “good” type, works to clear this bad cholesterol from our bodies. So, more HDL and less LDL are better for our heart health.

More About the Study Findings

The study also found that taking probiotics for a longer time, like more than 1.5 months, had bigger benefits.

Different types of probiotics, like those in kefir and powder form, also seemed to work better. Higher doses of probiotics also led to more benefits.

In the end, the study showed that probiotics can have a big impact on heart health. They can lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

And when used in kefir and powder form, or taken for longer than 1.5 months, they can do even more good.

If you’re struggling with weight, probiotic supplements can help there too. The study found they can help reduce BMI, which is often linked to obesity.

What Does All This Mean?

This all suggests that probiotics can play a major role in keeping our hearts healthy. So, next time you’re at the supermarket, you might want to grab a yogurt with probiotics or a bottle of kefir!

Remember, though, it’s always best to talk to your doctor before starting any new supplement. While this study offers exciting insights, more research is needed to understand the full potential of probiotics for heart health.

If you want to know more about blood pressure, consider checking out studies on how to measure blood pressure accurately and how olive oil might lower blood pressure in healthy people.

Griffith University’s research has been published in Current Hypertension Reports for those who want a deep dive into the study.

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