Morning exercise and breaks from sitting lower blood pressure

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Blood pressure shows how hard your blood pushes against the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps. It’s measured using a blood pressure cuff, and the results are given in two numbers.

The first number is systolic blood pressure, which shows the pressure when your heart pumps blood out. The second number is diastolic blood pressure, which shows the pressure when your heart fills with blood.

Research from the University of Western Australia

Scientists from the University of Western Australia have found that morning exercise can lower systolic blood pressure, especially in sedentary older adults who are overweight.

Their research also revealed that taking breaks from sitting after exercise added more benefits.

Details of the Study

The study had 67 sedentary older adults as participants. They tried three different routines, all in a random order.

  1. The first routine was just sitting for eight hours with no interruptions.
  2. The second routine was a 30-minute moderate-intensity walk followed by sitting.
  3. The third routine was a 30-minute moderate-intensity walk followed by sitting with regular walking breaks.

Results of the Study

The researchers noticed that after both routines that included exercise, the eight-hour average of systolic and diastolic blood pressure was lower than after the routine of uninterrupted sitting.

Moreover, the routine that included walking breaks after the initial exercise resulted in even lower average systolic blood pressure.

This drop was seen primarily in women, who experienced a decrease of -3.2 mm Hg.

The scientists also observed a decrease in average epinephrine (a hormone that raises blood pressure) in women who exercised, but an increase in men.

Implications of the Study

This research could be useful for health professionals discussing ways to lower blood pressure in older adults at higher risk of heart disease.

How to Control High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can be managed in several ways:

Lifestyle Changes: A healthy diet, regular exercise, weight loss if needed, reducing salt intake, and quitting smoking can all help control high blood pressure.

Medications: Different medications can help lower blood pressure, including diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and others.

Stress Management: Techniques such as relaxation, meditation, and yoga can help reduce stress, which is linked to high blood pressure.

Monitoring Blood Pressure: Regularly checking your blood pressure at home can help you keep track of your readings and adjust your treatment if necessary.

Remember, high blood pressure is a serious condition and can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and other health problems if not treated properly. Always consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best treatment plan.

The study was published in Hypertension and led by Michael J. Wheeler and his team at the University of Western Australia.

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