A recent survey conducted by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) reveals that a significant number of U.S. adults continue to experience anxiety and worry about various aspects of their lives.
Although anxiety levels have decreased since the early stages of the pandemic, they remain higher than in previous years.
The survey also sheds light on mental health treatment preferences and views on mental health in society.
Key Findings: Persistent Anxiety and Concerns
The survey reveals that 70% of U.S. adults feel anxious or extremely anxious about their safety and the safety of their families.
While this number is lower than the peak of the pandemic in 2020, it is 6% higher than in the past two years.
Additionally, anxiety levels have increased in relation to specific concerns. For instance, 42% of adults now feel very anxious about gun violence, representing a 5% increase in the past month.
Areas of Anxiety: Safety, Health, and More
The survey highlights various areas of anxiety among U.S. adults. The top concerns include:
- Keeping themselves or their families safe (70%).
- Safeguarding their identity (68%).
- Maintaining good health (66%).
- Managing bills and expenses (65%).
- Addressing the impact of climate change on the planet (59%).
- Combatting the opioid epidemic (50%).
- Coping with the impact of emerging technology on daily life (45%).
Importance of Mental Health Care and Treatment
According to the survey, 30% of adults have sought help from mental health care professionals, indicating a slight increase compared to 2022.
The study also explored attitudes toward mental health treatments involving substances such as cannabis, psychedelics, and ketamine.
Half of the participants expressed familiarity with these treatments, with younger individuals being more knowledgeable.
Notably, 50% of adults would consider mental health treatments involving cannabis or marijuana, while a majority would be unlikely to consider treatments involving psychedelics (59%) or ketamine (56%).
Concerns for Children’s Mental Health
The survey reveals that 68% of adults believe children and teens face more mental health problems than a decade ago.
Parents expressed concerns about their children’s use of technology (59%) and mental state (55%).
Additionally, 31% of parents reported difficulties scheduling appointments for their children with mental health professionals.
Understanding Mental Health’s Impact
A majority of U.S. adults acknowledge the influence of mental health on physical well-being (78%) and believe that untreated mental illness negatively affects families (78%) and the economy (64%).
However, 34% of adults stated they would not vote for a candidate who has been diagnosed with a mental illness, marking a 7% increase from 2022.
Conclusion: Addressing Anxiety and Promoting Mental Health
The survey findings highlight the ongoing concerns and anxiety experienced by U.S. adults. The APA emphasizes the need for continued support and access to mental health care services.
By spreading awareness and providing help, it is essential to remind individuals that they are not alone and that support is available.
The survey serves as a reminder that mental health is an integral part of overall well-being and that prioritizing mental health is crucial for individuals and society as a whole.
If you care about mental health, please read studies about who will respond best to ketamine for severe depression, and Vitamin D could help reduce depression symptoms.
For more information about mental health, please see recent studies about new drugs for depression and anxiety disorders, and MIND diet may slow down brain aging by more than 7 years.
The study was published in PNAS.
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