Aggressively blood pressure control may prevent this common heart disease

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Heart conduction disorders can be very dangerous, potentially leading to heart failure or complete heart block.

Left ventricular conduction disease can occur when there is an electrical blockage in the heart’s normal electrical conduction system.

The usual treatment is to implant a permanent pacemaker, but there have been no proven preventive strategies for this condition.

However, a new study published in JAMA Cardiology has found that intensive blood pressure control may be a way to prevent left ventricular conduction disease.

The study’s authors used data of the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT), a five-year multicenter trial that randomly assigned participants with hypertension to either normal blood pressure control or more aggressive blood pressure control.

The authors found that those randomly assigned to the more aggressive blood pressure control experienced much less conduction disease on the left side of the heart.

This research was motivated by patients with complete heart block who asked why it happened to them.

The answer has not been clear, so the study’s authors wanted to look at the impact that blood pressure might have on the development of their conduction disease.

The analysis suggests that more aggressive blood pressure control might be a way to prevent this common disease.

The study’s authors note that SPRINT did not examine the role of specific anti-hypertensive drugs.

So further research into associations between specific medications and conduction disease rates may be warranted.

While left ventricular conduction disease can be a serious condition, this study provides evidence that it may be preventable.

How to prevent heart conduction disorders

Heart conduction disorders can be serious and potentially life-threatening.

While some risk factors for these disorders, such as age and genetics, cannot be changed, there are steps you can take to help prevent them.

Manage Your Blood Pressure: High blood pressure is a common risk factor for heart conduction disorders. It is important to have your blood pressure checked regularly and work with your healthcare provider to manage it.

This may include lifestyle changes, such as exercise and a healthy diet, and medications to lower your blood pressure.

Manage Your Cholesterol Levels: High levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol can contribute to the development of heart conduction disorders.

Eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and taking medications as prescribed by your healthcare provider can help to manage your cholesterol levels.

Quit Smoking: Smoking is a major risk factor for heart conduction disorders, as well as other cardiovascular diseases. Quitting smoking is one of the most important things you can do to improve your heart health.

Maintain a Healthy Weight: Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of heart conduction disorders. Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise can help to reduce this risk.

Manage Your Diabetes: People with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing heart conduction disorders.

It is important to manage your blood sugar levels through a healthy diet, regular exercise, and medications as prescribed by your healthcare provider.

Reduce Stress: Chronic stress can contribute to the development of heart conduction disorders. Finding healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, meditation, or therapy, can help to reduce this risk.

Get Regular Checkups: Regular checkups with your healthcare provider can help to detect any early signs of heart conduction disorders.

It is important to discuss any concerns you may have about your heart health with your healthcare provider.

In summary, managing your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, weight, and stress, quitting smoking, managing your diabetes, and getting regular checkups can all help to prevent heart conduction disorders.

By taking these steps, you can improve your heart health and reduce your risk of developing serious and potentially life-threatening heart conditions.

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The study was conducted by Emilie K. Frimodt-Møller et al and published in JAMA Cardiology.

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