You cannot get any health benefit from alcohol, study finds

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Scientists have been studying how alcohol affects our health for many years.

A recent study found that drinking low or moderate amounts of alcohol each day doesn’t seem to increase the risk of dying from any cause.

However, when people drink higher amounts of alcohol, especially women, the risk of dying from different causes goes up.

The study was conducted by a group of researchers from the University of Victoria in Canada.

They looked at data from over 100 studies involving almost 5 million people and over 425,000 deaths.

They found that people who drank a little bit of alcohol each day, less than 1.3 grams, did not have a significantly higher risk of dying compared to people who never drank alcohol.

They also found that people who drank low amounts of alcohol, between 1.3 and 24 grams each day, did not have a significantly higher risk of dying either.

However, when people drank more than 25 grams of alcohol each day, their risk of dying went up. Women who drank alcohol had a higher risk of dying than women who never drank.

It’s important to note that the risks of alcohol consumption vary depending on many factors like age, sex, and health status.

Even if drinking small amounts of alcohol is not harmful for most people, excessive drinking can be dangerous and cause many health problems.

It’s also important to remember that children and young people should not drink alcohol at all. Alcohol can harm their developing brains and cause problems with learning, behavior, and socialization.

Additionally, alcohol use during pregnancy can cause serious harm to the developing fetus.

In conclusion, while low to moderate alcohol consumption does not seem to significantly increase the risk of death, it is important to remember that excessive drinking can be harmful to your health.

It’s also important to know that alcohol is not suitable for children and young people, and pregnant women should avoid it altogether.

As always, it’s essential to talk to your doctor about your drinking habits and any concerns you may have about your health.

How to quit alcohol

Quitting alcohol can be a challenging process, but it is possible with the right mindset and support. Here are some tips that may help:

Make a plan: It’s essential to have a plan before quitting alcohol. Set a date to quit and make a list of the reasons why you want to quit.

Also, think about the potential triggers that may lead you to drink and come up with a plan to avoid or manage them.

Get support: Talk to your family and friends about your decision to quit alcohol. Let them know how they can help you and ask for their support.

You can also consider joining a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to connect with others who are going through the same process.

Avoid triggers: Avoid situations that may tempt you to drink, such as going to bars or parties where alcohol is being served. Instead, look for new activities that do not involve alcohol, such as sports, hobbies, or volunteering.

Find healthy ways to cope with stress: Many people drink to cope with stress, but there are other healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercising, practicing yoga or meditation, or spending time with loved ones.

Seek professional help: If you are struggling to quit on your own, consider seeking professional help.

A doctor or counselor can provide you with the necessary support and resources to overcome your addiction.

Remember that quitting alcohol is a personal decision, and everyone’s journey will be different.

The most important thing is to stay committed and seek help when needed. With time and effort, you can overcome your addiction and live a healthier, happier life.

If you care about wellness, please read studies about the root cause of alcohol addiction, and drugs and alcohol can hijack your brain.

For more information about health, please see recent studies about potatoes and high blood pressure, and results showing Marijuana reduces use of alcohol, painkillers, and cigarettes.

The study was conducted by Jinhui Zhao et al and published in JAMA Network Open.

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