A nasal spray can prevent coronavirus infection and fight new variants

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Researchers at the University of Helsinki have developed a molecule called TriSb92 that, when administered nasally, is effective in preventing the disease caused by all known variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The molecule targets a region in the spike protein of the coronavirus that is common to all current variants and inhibits its functioning, thereby preventing both the transmission and spread of the virus.

In laboratory animal studies, TriSb92 has been found to provide effective protection against coronavirus infection when administered nasally.

The molecule has also been shown to be effective against the latest virus variants, including XBB, BF7, and BQ.1.1, in cell cultures.

The molecule could be a game-changer in the fight against COVID-19, particularly since current vaccines are not effective in preventing transmission, and some people do not gain sufficient immunity from vaccines.

By targeting a region of the spike protein that is common to all variants, TriSb92 offers a promising new approach to preventing the spread of the virus.

The molecule has several advantages over current preventive measures, such as face masks. For one, it can prevent infection even after several hours of exposure.

Additionally, it remains fully functional at room temperature for at least 18 months, making it a practical option for widespread use as a nasal spray.

TriSb92 could also be useful in preparing for future pandemics.

The researchers suggest that the molecule could work against future animal-borne close relatives of SARS-CoV-2, which are expected to be the cause of entirely new coronavirus pandemics.

The next stage of the research will involve testing the molecule in clinical trials, after which it could be made commercially available.

If TriSb92 proves to be safe and effective in humans, it could be a crucial tool in the fight against COVID-19 and future pandemics.

The technology used to develop TriSb92 could also be used to prevent other viral diseases, particularly influenza and other respiratory viruses.

The approach is based on a binder protein platform developed in Finland, which provides an opportunity for many other new initiatives based on the accurate identification of diseased cells or pathogens in patients.

In conclusion, TriSb92 is a promising new molecule that could offer a new approach to preventing the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Its effectiveness against all known variants of the virus and its practicality as a nasal spray make it a potentially valuable tool in the fight against COVID-19 and future pandemics.

While more research is needed to confirm its safety and effectiveness in humans, TriSb92 offers hope for a better future.

There are several measures that individuals can take to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and reduce their risk of infection:

Get vaccinated: Vaccines are one of the most effective tools we have to prevent COVID-19. The vaccines have been shown to be safe and effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death.

Wear a mask: Wearing a mask over your nose and mouth can help reduce the spread of the virus, particularly in crowded or poorly ventilated settings. This is particularly important if you are in close contact with others who may be infected.

Practice social distancing: Stay at least six feet away from others whenever possible, especially if they are not members of your household.

Wash your hands frequently: Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, particularly after being in public places or touching surfaces that others have touched.

Avoid large gatherings: Large gatherings, especially indoors, increase the risk of COVID-19 transmission. If you must attend a gathering, wear a mask and practice social distancing.

Improve ventilation: Good ventilation can help reduce the spread of the virus in indoor spaces. Open windows and doors, or use air purifiers or ventilation systems to improve airflow.

If you care about COVID, please read studies about people who are 5 times more likely to get COVID-19, and this fasting method linked to less severe COVID-19.

For more information about COVID, please read studies about the cause of severe COVID symptoms, and new evidence on rare blood clots after COVID-19 vaccination.

The study was conducted by Anna R. Mäkelä et al and published in Nature Communications.

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