Scientists find new way to reduce blood pressure effectively

Credit: Pavel Danilyuk/ Pexels

In a study from the University of Houston, scientists found that deep nerve stimulation consistently reduces blood pressure.

They found that blood pressure and renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) are controlled by bioelectronic treatment. RSNA is often increased in hypertension and renal disease.

The team previously reported that deep peroneal nerve stimulation (DPNS) elicits a fast reduction in blood pressure.

In this study, researchers focused on the development of a small implantable wireless neural stimulation system and the exploration of different stimulation parameters to achieve a maximum lowered response.

They found that systolic blood pressure can be lowered by 10% in one hour and 16% two hours after nerve stimulation.

The results indicate that DPNS consistently induces an immediate and reproducible arterial depressor effect in response to electrical stimulation of the deep peroneal nerve.

Hypertension, often called the “silent killer,” speaks loudly in statistics. In the United States, it is the number one cause of death.

Globally it is the number one risk factor for death, impacting more than 1 billion people, and is to blame for about half of all stroke- and heart-related deaths.

The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association 2018 guidelines classified average systolic blood pressure as greater than 130 mmHg and diastolic BP as greater than 80 mmHg, on at least two separate occasions, like hypertension.

While medical treatments are effective, blood pressure remains uncontrolled in 50–60% of resistant hypertensive people.

Unfortunately, despite the use of multiple antihypertensive drugs in combination, blood pressure remains poorly controlled in 50-60% of the hypertensive population, and approximately 12–18% of them develop resistant hypertension.

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The research was published in Frontiers in Neuroscience and conducted by Mario Romero-Ortega et al.

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