Best protein source for your kidney health

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A study from the Chinese University of Hong Kong found soy protein is the best for kidney function.

The study is published in Clinical Biochemistry and was conducted by Zhao-min Liu et al.

The aim of the study was to examine the long-term effect of commonly used whole soy foods (soy flour) and purified daidzein (one major isoflavone and the precursor of equol) on renal function.

In the 6-month study, the team tested 270 older Chinese women. They were assigned to either one of the three treatments: 40 g soy flour (whole soy group), 40 g low-fat milk powder + 63 mg daidzein (daidzein group) or 40 g low-fat milk powder (placebo group) daily each for 6 months.

Fasting blood and 24-h urine samples were collected at the beginning and end of trial.

Serum creatinine, cystatin C, urea, angiotensin-converting enzyme, minerals and 24-h urinary creatinine and minerals were analyzed.

The team found no big changes were observed in most of the renal parameters, however, there was better kidney function linked to whole soy intake relative to milk placebo.

Further analysis among women with lowered renal function suggested whole soy consumption tended to improve markers of renal function relative to control.

The team says six-month consumption of whole soy tended to have a modest improvement of renal function in older women with lowered renal function.

For more information about the best protein source for kidney function, please check this video:

If you care about kidney health, please read studies about how to protect your kidneys from diabetes, and sunlight may increase your risks of kidney damage, autoimmune diseases.

For more information about kidney diseases, please see recent studies about common eating habits that could harm your kidney health, and results showing this common diabetes drug may reduce chronic kidney disease.

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