Which spices fight inflammation?

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Inflammation is a process by which your body’s white blood cells and the things they make protect you from infection from outside invaders, such as bacteria and viruses.

But in some diseases, like arthritis, your body’s defense system — your immune system — triggers inflammation when there are no invaders to fight off.

In these autoimmune diseases, your immune system acts as if regular tissues are infected or somehow unusual, causing damage.

In the culinary arts, the word spice refers to any dried part of a plant, other than the leaves, used for seasoning and flavoring a recipe, but not used as the main ingredient.

In this video, an elegant experiment is described in which the blood of those eating different types of spices such as cloves, ginger, rosemary, and turmeric is tested for anti-inflammatory capacity.

This is not professional advice, please seek out a professional if you need help.

This video is created for educational purposes and awareness around different topics. Video may or may not be able to go fully in-depth in such a limited time.

If you care about inflammation, please read studies about diabetes drug that could treat lung inflammation in COVID-19, and scientists find the cause of severe inflammation in COVID-19.

Source: NutritionFacts.org (Shared via a Creative Commons CC-BY license)