Super foods for diabetes: Eat these to beat diabetes

“Superfood” is a term used by many foods and beverage companies as a way to promote a food thought to have health benefits.

These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber that are good for overall health and may also help prevent disease.

This video talks about the best foods for diabetes to beat diabetes.

If you can implement these foods in your diabetic diet you will have a major advantage.

You can lower or eliminate diabetes medications and take control of your blood sugar and reduce inflammation.

Dr. Ergin- SugarMD presents diabetes control tips with foods to include in your diabetic meal plan.

Remember some of the items above can be tough on the budget depending on the season and where you live.

Look for lower-cost options such as fruit and vegetables in season or frozen or canned fish. Foods that are easier on the budget year-round are beans and whole grains that you cook from scratch.

This is not professional advice, please seek out a professional if you need help.

If you care about diabetes, please read studies about nutrient that could help reduce risk of type 2 diabetes, and common cause of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure.

Source: SugarMD