Breakfast is important for people with diabetes.
It enables a person to feel full and can help keep blood glucose levels stable.
Insulin sensitivity is often higher in the morning than the evening, so an eating schedule that includes breakfast and minimizes late-night eating is preferable.
While breakfast is a very important meal in a diabetic diet for most people, some destroy it with high carb foods and let the blood sugar hit the sky.
This video talks about the worst breakfast foods to avoid to keep blood sugar and diabetes under control.
If you want to keep diabetes in remission, prevent very high blood sugar, and pay attention to your diabetic breakfast.
These are diabetic breakfast recipes that open the door for disaster in your type 2 diabetes diet.
It is created for educational purposes and awareness around different topics. Video may or may not be able to go fully in-depth in such a limited time. Please seek out a professional if you need help.
If you care about nutrition, please read studies about 7 best foods to reduce anxiety, and diet that could boost your gut health and weight loss.
Source: SugarMD (Shared via CC-BY)