How COVID-19 pandemic harms blood pressure health

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In a new study from the Cleveland Clinic, researchers found blood pressure increased significantly for many individuals during the pandemic.

They studied almost 500,000 individuals and looked at pre-pandemic changes in blood pressure and during the pandemic changes in blood pressure.

They aimed to assess if some of the consequences of the pandemic would increase blood pressure.

The team compared data from a three-year span and discovered blood pressure levels went up between April and December of 2020, which is around the same time stay-at-home orders and other restrictions were put into place.

They also learned it wasn’t just one specific age group or sex that was impacted. All of the participants saw a similar increase. However, women did appear to be among the highest.

So, what caused the rise in blood pressure? The team says they don’t know exactly but believe it’s due to multiple factors, like people living a more sedentary lifestyle, drinking more alcohol, stress and lack of sleep.

They suggest it’s really important that do public health interventions during a pandemic, like vaccinations, etcetera.

Moreover, doctors should make sure each patient is taking care of their regular medical issues, like their blood pressure, their cholesterol, their asthma—whatever the case is because of those tend to be somewhat neglected.

If you care about blood pressure, please read studies about common chemical in food that could harm your blood pressure, and findings of new method to treat drug-resistant high blood pressure.

For more information about blood pressure, please see recent studies about 5 things you need to know about blood pressure before it’s a problem, and results showing that this 5-minute workout can lower blood pressure as much as exercise, drugs.

The study is published in Circulation. One author of the study is Luke Laffin, MD.

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