These people play a vital role in treating long COVID

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In a new article from the University of Otago, researchers suggest that cardio-respiratory physiotherapists have an essential role in helping people recover from the long COVID.

They explain that internationally cardio-respiratory physiotherapists have been essential workers providing vital care in intensive care units throughout the COVID‑19 pandemic.

Broadly speaking, cardio-respiratory physiotherapists treat people with conditions affecting the heart and lungs.

This area of practice includes working in intensive care units, surgical wards, and rehabilitation clinics, as well as in the community treating patients with chronic respiratory and other long-term conditions.

Researchers are recognizing some of the effects of long COVID symptoms as being really common, such as fatigue, breathlessness, and muscle weakness.

The team has reviewed and communicated a large amount of emerging COVID‑19 research data and findings.

They suggest if you are a person who is suffering the symptoms of long COVID, contact your nearest cardio-respiratory physiotherapist because we can help with those symptoms or ask your GP to refer you.

In anticipation of the huge rehabilitation burden, if COVID‑19 gains a foothold in communities, the team has also developed and distributed a range of advisory materials to general practitioners and non-governmental organizations.

If you care about long COVID, please read studies about signs of ‘long COVID’ can be found in eyes and findings of many people with mild COVID-19 still have long-term symptoms.

For more information about long COVID and your health, please see recent studies about this common health problem may increase risk of ‘long COVID-19’ and results showing that long COVID more likely in these people.

One researcher of the study is Dr. Sarah Rhodes.

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