Moderate alcohol drinking linked to lower risk of heart attack, this study finds

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In a new study from UCL, UK, researchers found moderate alcohol drinking may be linked to a decreased risk of heart attack, stroke, angina or death among those with cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Moderate drinking means drinking up to 105 grams of alcohol per week—equivalent to 13 UK units of alcohol, less than six pints of medium-strength beer or just over a bottle of wine.

The findings suggest that people with CVD may not need to stop drinking in order to prevent additional heart attacks, strokes or angina, but that they may wish to consider lowering their weekly alcohol intake.

As alcohol consumption is linked to an increased risk of developing other illnesses, those with CVD who do not drink should not be encouraged to take up drinking.

In the study, the team examined the risk of heart attack, stroke, angina and death for 48,423 adults with CVD.

Participants reported their average alcohol consumption and data on subsequent heart attacks, strokes, angina or death, over a period of up to 20 years, were obtained from health, hospital admission and death registry records.

Researchers found that among people with CVD, those who drank up to 15 grams of alcohol per day—equivalent to less than two UK units, with one unit equal to half a pint of medium-strength beer or half a standard glass of wine—had a lower risk of recurrent heart attack, stroke, angina or death, compared to those who did not drink.

They also found that those who drank more than 62 grams of alcohol per day—equivalent to less than eight UK units—did not have an increased risk of recurrent heart attack, stroke, angina or death, compared to those who did not drink alcohol.

While drinking up to 15 grams of alcohol per day was associated with lower risks of heart attack, stroke, angina or death, the researchers found that those with the lowest risk drank between six and eight grams of alcohol per day—equivalent to less than one UK unit.

Those who drank six grams of alcohol per day had a 50% lower risk of recurrent heart attack, angina or stroke than those who did not drink.

Those who drank eight grams per day had a 27% lower risk of death due to heart attack, stroke or angina, and those who drank seven grams per day had a 21% lower risk of death due to any cause, compared to those who did not drink.

The researchers caution that their findings may overestimate the reduced risk of recurrent heart attack, stroke, angina and death for moderate drinkers with CVD.

If you care about heart health, please read studies about this drug combo could cut the risk of heart attacks and strokes and findings of this symptom could increase your risk of heart failure.

For more information about heart disease and your health, please see recent studies about common painkillers may harm heart health in people with arthritis and results showing that healthy older people who stop taking statins have higher heart disease risk.

The study is published in BMC Medicine. One author of the study is Chengyi Ding.

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