Many people with covid-19 have persistent symptoms 6 months after

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In a new study from the Bergen COVID-19 Research Group, researchers found persistent symptoms six months after COVID-19 infections, even in young home isolated people.

They found that more than 50% of young adults up to 30 years old, isolated at home, still have persistent symptoms six months after mild to moderate disease.

The most common symptoms were loss of smell and/or taste, fatigue, shortness of breath, impaired concentration, and memory problems.

The study followed infected patients during the first pandemic wave in Bergen Norway.

The researchers say that there was a significant correlation between high antibody levels and symptoms in home isolated patients, other risk factors for symptoms were asthma or other chronic lung diseases.

In non-hospitalized COVID-19-patients, 30% experienced fatigue which was the most common symptom. Children under the age of 16 years had fewer long-term symptoms than adults

The team says the cognitive symptoms of impaired memory and concentration difficulties are particularly worrying for young people at school or university and highlights the importance of vaccination to prevent the long-term health implications of COVID-19.

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For more information about COVID-19 and your health, please see recent studies about your immune system can build lasting defense after COVID-19 and results showing that new COVID vaccines may offer broad protection from coronaviruses.

The study is published in Nature Medicine. One author of the study is Professor Nina Langeland.

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