This common pain killer may boost hip fracture risk

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In a recent study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, researchers found that the use of the pain medication tramadol was linked to a higher risk of hip fractures compared with the use of other pain medications.

The research is from Central South University. One author is Guanghua Lei, MD, Ph.D.

In the study, the team did an analysis of a patient database from the United Kingdom.

They compared tramadol use with codeine, naproxen, ibuprofen, celecoxib, and etoricoxib use among adults aged 50 years or older.

During a one-year follow-up, the researchers found 518 hip fractures occurred among 146,956 patients taking tramadol, corresponding to approximately one additional new hip fracture per 1000 person-years relative to taking codeine (3.7 vs. 2.9, respectively).

Likewise, up to 1.5 additional new fractures per 1000 person-years occurred with tramadol than with naproxen, ibuprofen, celecoxib, and etoricoxib.

The team says considering the significant impact of hip fracture on morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs, the results point to the need to consider tramadol’s associated risk of fracture in clinical practice and treatment guidelines.

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