In a new study, researchers found that since 2009, diabetes-related lower-extremity amputation (NLEA) has been increasing among older adults.
The research was conducted by a team at Emory University in Atlanta.
In the study, the team examined NLEA trends among older adults with diabetes (≥67 years) using Medicare claims for beneficiaries enrolled in Parts A and B.
The researchers found that NLEA rates decreased from 8.5 per 1,000 people with diabetes in 2000 to 4.4 in 2009.
From 2009, NLEA rates increased to 4.8 per 1,000 people with diabetes. Across most age, sex, and race/ethnic groups, trends were similar.
However, absolute rates were highest in the oldest age groups, blacks, and men.
Overall increases were driven by increases in rates of toe and foot NLEAs, while below-the-knee amputation and above-the-knee amputation declined.
Similar to national estimates, the majority of U.S. states showed recent increases in NLEA.
The team says preventive foot care has been shown to reduce rates of NLEA among adults with diabetes.
The findings of the study suggest that those with diabetes—across the age spectrum—could benefit from increased attention to this strategy.
One author of the study is Jessica L. Harding, Ph.D.
The study is published in Diabetes Care.
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