This type of olive oil may protect against obesity and inflammation

A recent study from the University of Seville and elsewhere showed that orujo (pomace) olive oil (POCTA) could lead to a big reduction in obesity and vascular inflammation.

POCTA can be obtained from a by-product of olive oil, orujo, which is considered industrial waste.

The findings help to increase its biological and nutritional value as a functional food.

The study is published in Nutrients. One author is Dr. Rodriguez from the International University of Catalonia.

In the study, the team fed mice with two types of diets; a diet high in saturated fats, called “prejudicial” fat, and another, with the same calorie content, but with orujo olive oil.

After 10 weeks, a big reduction in weight was observed (around 30%) in the mice fed with POCTA compared to the group fed with the high-fat diet.

This study shows for the first time that POCTA does not only reduce body weight in obese animals but also reduces body fat (adipose tissue) and hepatic inflammation.

A the same time, it reduces resistance to insulin and vascular dysfunction associated with obesity.

These findings provide very important information about the traditional use of orujo olive oil as a functional food due to its content of triterpenic acids, such as oleanolic acid and maslinic acid as bioactive molecules.

Unlike other types of oils, like coconut or palm oil, the oil obtained from the orujo of the olive, a product forgotten in recent years, has shown itself to be a source of bioactive molecules with great therapeutic potential against obesity and the metabolic dysfunctions developed with Metabolic Syndrome.

The results of this study open a new line of research is examining the Mediterranean diet.

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