Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of metabolic disorders.
It occurs when a person has three or more of the following measurements:
Too much belly fat (e.g., a Waist circumference of greater than 40 inches in men, and greater than 35 inches in women); High triglyceride level; low HDL cholesterol level; High blood pressure; High blood sugar level
Metabolic syndrome is a serious health condition and can lead to higher risks of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and artery diseases.
Researchers from the American Heart Association suggest that several things can determine a person’s risk of metabolic syndrome, including:
Obesity is a big risk factor of metabolic syndrome. Moreover, excessive fat in and around the abdomen is strongly linked to metabolic syndrome.
Currently, why belly fat and metabolic syndrome are linked together are still not fully understood.
But keeping a healthy body weight can be helpful to reduce the risk of the health condition.
Insulin resistance
Research has shown that metabolic syndrome is strongly linked to a generalized metabolic disorder called insulin resistance.
In this disease, cells fail to respond normally to the hormone insulin. Some people are genetically predisposed to insulin resistance.
Avoiding carbs and sugars, eating a no-carb diet or fasting can help reverse insulin resistance.
Race and gender
Recent studies have shown that when they have the same body mass index (BMI), Caucasians have a greater risk for developing metabolic syndrome than African Americans are.
In addition, men are more likely than women to develop metabolic syndrome.
Researchers suggest that healthy lifestyle habits can help reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome.
People can eat a healthy diet, take regular exercise and control their body weight to protect against the disease.
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