Marijuana can help treat addiction, new study shows

In a new study, researchers found that cannabis-based medication can helps fight dependency on cannabis, one of the most widely used drugs globally.

The study provides the first strong evidence that cannabinoid agonist medication, which targets receptors in the brain, could reduce the rate of relapse.

The research was conducted by a team from the University of Sydney and NSW Health.

In the study, the cannabis concentrate comprises equal proportions of cannabidiol (CBD) and the psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

It is sprayed under the tongue and avoids the health impacts linked to smoking cannabis such as respiratory issues.

The principles are providing patients with a medicine which is safer than the drug they’re already using.

Then linking this with medical and counseling support to help people address their illicit cannabis use.

The team tested 128 participants taking nabiximols medication in 12 weeks.

Nabiximols has been primarily used to treat pain symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis.

Previous research has shown that nabiximols reduce withdrawal symptoms in a short-term hospital treatment program.

The current study found that nabiximols can be effective in helping patients achieve longer-term changes in their cannabis use.

During the clinical trial, participants had an average dose of about 18 sprays a day, with each spray of 0.1mL comprising 2.7mg of THC and 2.5mg of CBD.

Participants treated with nabiximols used much less illicit cannabis than patients randomly allocated to placebo medication.

The finding shows that an oral spray can be an effective substitute for smoked cannabis in heavy recreational users seeking treatment for their cannabis use.

The team hopes the study can give hope to people with dependency on cannabis.

The lead author of the study is Conjoint Professor Nick Lintzeris from the University of Sydney.

The study is published in the American Medical Association’s JAMA Internal Medicine.

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