In a new study, researchers found that half of U.S. adults should monitor blood pressure at home.
This is because blood pressure measured in the doctor’s office may not reflect a person’s regular blood pressure levels.
The study suggests that many American adults need to have their blood pressure measured outside of a clinical setting.
The research was conducted by a team from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
In the study, the team found that approximately 104 million Americans should routinely use a blood pressure machine at home to provide backup for—or contrast with—the results from their visit to the doctor’s office.
They found nearly 93% of in adults the United States who have high blood pressure when measured in their doctor’s office and do not take blood pressure medicine should be screened for “white coat hypertension”.
It is a condition where blood pressure spikes when measured at the doctor’s office, but is normal when measured outside of a medical setting.
If someone has white coat hypertension, they may not benefit from starting antihypertensive medication.
The researchers also found that a third of U.S. adults should be screened for “masked hypertension”.
This health condition occurs when patients do not have high blood pressure based on readings measured in their doctor’s office but do have high blood pressure readings when measured outside of the clinic.
The team explains that for some people, a doctor’s office is a place they’re relaxed. They are away from job stress, traffic and family issues.
On the other hand, some people get anxious they are about to get bad news about their blood pressure—or something worse.
Their readings in the doctor’s office cause concern, whereas measuring in a more familiar setting would cause less stress.
The current guidelines suggest that people have high blood pressure if their systolic, or top number, is 130 or higher and their diastolic, or bottom number, is 80 or higher.
The team says to ensure people are accurately diagnosed with high blood pressure, at-home monitoring should be used.
Many pharmacies or grocery stores have blood pressure machines customers may use free.
Home versions with an electronic inflatable cuff are also available at local drug stores for less than $50.
The most important thing is to make sure the device has been validated.
Having people measure their blood pressure at home can make sure doctors are treating people appropriately.
The lead author of the study is Paul Muntner, Ph.D., professor of epidemiology in the School of Public Health.
The study is published in Hypertension, the journal of the American Heart Association.
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