Many people believe bodybuilding products can help them grow stronger muscles and become fitter.
Although some products can help increase muscle mass and strength, their safety is not guaranteed.
This is especially true for bodybuilding products that contain steroids or steroid-like substances, synthetic hormones related to the male hormone testosterone.
According to Mark S. Miller, Pharm. D., a regulatory review officer at the FDA, such products are linked to potentially serious health risks, such as liver injury.
Other harmful side effects may include severe acne, hair loss, altered mood, irritability, increased aggression, and depression.
One of his recent reviews examined hundreds of adverse event reports made to the FDA from July 2009 through December 2016.
The review showed 35 reports provided evidence of serious liver injury.
The researcher suggests that some bodybuilding products are also linked to kidney damage, heart attack, stroke and blood clots in the lungs. These conditions can be very life-threatening.
People who are taking body building products that claim to contain steroids or steroid-like substances need to stop using the products to reduce health risks.
It is important to talk to doctors about any bodybuilding products and/or ingredients you have taken or are planning to take.
People who already have been experiencing some symptoms possibly linked to these products, including nausea, weakness, fatigue, fever, and pain, it is important to talk to their doctors and find a solution.
When choosing a bodybuilding product, people need to check the label carefully. Some products say they are “dietary supplements”, but in fact, they may be unapproved new drugs.
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