You should tell your anesthesiologist these 8 things before surgery

You should tell your anesthesiologist these 8 things before surgery

Your anesthesiologist plays a very important role in your surgery.

It is important for s/he to know your health condition so they can provide the safest, most effective anesthesia and pain relief.

Researchers from the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) suggests all patients should tell their anesthesiologist their use of drugs and supplements.

Linda J. Mason, M.D., FASA, ASA president, suggest all patients who will do surgery be honest about their health history.

There are 8 things they should tell their anesthesiologist:

You have had a bad reaction to anesthesia.

If you have suffered from a bad reaction to anesthesia previously, you should tell your anesthesiologist. It is important to adjust your anesthesia and prevent it from recurring.

You smoke.

Smoking can cause breathing problems during or after surgery.

The bad habit can also increase risks of other health conditions, including pneumonia, heart attack, and reduced blood flow.

Your anesthesiologist may ask you to stop smoking at least a week or more before the procedure.

You use marijuana.

Marijuana has a sedative effect and may interact with anesthesia. It may also bring health risks just like smoking.

If you eat edibles, smoke marijuana or take it in other methods, you should tell your anesthesiologist.

You drink alcohol.

Your drinking habit can decide how much anesthesia you need during surgery.

In addition, more than two alcoholic drinks a day can increase your risk of side effects from anesthesia.

Your anesthesiologist may require you to stop drinking before surgery.

You snore during sleep.

Snoring can be caused by many reasons. If your snoring is caused by sleep apnea, you may have higher risks of side effects from anesthesia.

This is because, in sleep apnea, breathing is interrupted during sleep. Anesthesia may slow your breathing during surgery and increases sensitivity to side effects.

The sleep problem can also make it harder for you to regain consciousness after surgery.

You have suffered a stroke or a heat stroke.

Both conditions can increase your risk of having a severe and potentially deadly reaction to anesthesia.

The reaction is called malignant hyperthermia. It can lead to muscle rigidity and a sudden high fever.

You have chronic health conditions.

This includes diabetes, heart disease, allergies, liver or kidney disease, asthma, high blood pressure, obesity, and seizures or other neurological disorders.

Having anesthesia may influence these conditions.

You use medications or supplements.

This is because many medications and supplement can affect anesthesia or pain management.

For example, some depression drugs can blunt the effects of some opioids. Some blood pressure drugs may need to be paused for a day or longer.

It is better to bring your supplements to your presurgical appointment with your physician anesthesiologist, or you can show a picture of the list of ingredients.

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