You need to be smarter about eating salt

You need to be smarter about eating salt

In a new statement issued by the American Heart Association, scientists suggest people much eat less salt.

Currently, most people in the U.S. eat unhealthy levels of sodium without knowing it.

Previous studies have shown that U.S. adults eat about 50% more sodium every day than AHA recommends.

This can greatly increase the risk of high blood pressure, a very serious silent health killer.

A recent study from AHA showed that about 50% of adults in the U.S. have heart disease or stroke.

In addition, it is estimated that about  90% of U.S. adults will to develop high blood pressure.

High blood pressure is a big risk factor for these diseases.

The new statement suggests the amount of sodium people can take to prevent chronic disease.

It also shows there should be less sodium in the food supply. According to the researchers, 70% of sodium is added to food before it is served.

A lot of sodium is added in restaurants and in processed and prepackaged foods. It is important for food companies and manufacturers to reduce the sodium amount.

So how to reduce sodium intake in your diet?

First, be sensitive to the food you eat. Research has shown that cold cuts and cured meats,  pizza, soups, bread and rolls, chicken, burritos, and tacos have the highest amount of salt.

You should eat these foods less and eat fruits and vegetables more.

Second, find ways to maximize flavor without adding too much salt. You can use a slow cooker or your pressure cooker to make food tastes better.

Third, use other spices to replace salt. You can try vinegar, pepper, herbs, lemon juice and other things to make your food taste good.

Fourth, check the food label carefully. Reading the sodium amount on food labels when you shop in grocery stores. Choose foods that have lower sodium amount.

The lead author of the study is the American Heart Association CEO, Nancy Brown.

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