This mineral could protect your blood pressure

A healthy diet is a cornerstone of good health.

Recently Indiana University researchers have found another reason why: An important mineral may help keep blood pressure at normal levels.

They find magnesium makes blood vessels expand (dilate). This, in turn, lowers blood pressure and helps prevent heart disease and stroke.

Previous studies of magnesium’s role in blood pressure did not give a definite answer.

In the current study, the researchers examined 34 clinical trials on magnesium supplements. These trials involved more than 2,000 people.

In the trials, people took from 240 mg to 960 mg of magnesium daily as a supplement.

The team found a small but important link between the amount of magnesium taken and blood pressure levels.

The higher the level of magnesium, the better a person’s blood flowed. The ease of blood flow is one important factor for blood pressure control.

However, the researchers noted that taking a magnesium supplement may only help if you have a magnesium deficiency.

For other people, eating a healthy diet is the best way to get enough magnesium, the American Heart Association says.

Experts suggest each adult take 368 mg of magnesium a day.

Magnesium is found naturally in whole grains, beans, nuts, and leafy green vegetables. You can also find it in dark chocolate, tofu, and some fatty fish.

It is important to know that magnesium can also offer other health benefits, such as fighting depression and lower the risk of pancreatic cancer.

But if you take too much magnesium, you may suffer from its side effects. This includes an irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure, confusion, slowed breathing, coma, and even death.

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