How hormonal diseases link to high blood pressure

How hormonal diseases link to high blood pressure

In a recent Scientific Statement issued by the Endocrine Society, researchers found some high blood pressure patients may also suffer from hormonal diseases.

In these people, high blood pressure is caused by a hormone, kidney or other disorders.

About 15% of people with high blood pressure have a health condition called primary aldosteronism.

Hormonal causes of high blood pressure could be treated with surgery or medication.

However, many patients do not get effective screening. Therefore, the common hormonal causes of high blood pressure often go undiagnosed and untreated.

This hormonal high blood pressure can increase risks in developing heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and even death.

Researchers suggest that high blood pressure can signal any of 15 endocrine disorders. It is often the first sign of hormonal disease.

Hormones are produced and controlled by the endocrine system. They are chemical messengers that manage growth, reproduction, metabolism, breathing and other essential bodily functions.

The hormonal causes of high blood pressure can be tumors that produce adrenal hormones such as aldosterone and adrenaline.

In addition, thyroid disorders, obstructive sleep apnea, or acromegaly, a rare condition where excess growth hormone builds up in the bloodstream, can also lead to high blood pressure.

Among them, the most common endocrine cause of high blood pressure is the primary aldosteronism.

It occurs when the adrenal glands produce too much of the hormone aldosterone. Adrenal glands are the small glands located on the top of each kidney.

The condition can build up aldosterone, which normally balances blood levels of sodium and potassium. Too much aldosterone could raise blood pressure levels.

Previous research has shown that about 10% of people with high blood pressure have this health condition.

They have higher risks of cardiovascular problems, including heart attack and stroke.

Researchers suggest screening for underlying causes of high blood pressure is very important.

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