8 medical devices that could improve your heart health

8 medical devices that may improve your heart health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States.

For people suffering from heart disease, healthy lifestyle habits, medications and surgery could all play big roles in their recovery.

In addition, many patients need medical devices for monitoring and maintaining their heart health.

The devices include pacemakers, defibrillators and many others that can help extend and improve the lives of heart disease patients.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved many devices that can help treat heart disease and other related health problems.

The devices can be placed inside a person’s body or used outside the body.

Some of the most important devices include:

Cardiac pacemakers

This is a very common type of heart device used by heart disease patients.

They are small and battery-powered and implanted permanently into the patient’s body.

The device can monitor the heart’s electrical impulses and deliver electrical stimulation to make the heart beat at a normal rate.

Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs)

These devices are used to monitor heart rhythms and deliver shocks when fast rhythms are detected.

They can record the heart’s electrical patterns and enable doctors to review heart activity patterns.

New monitoring devices allow ICDs to transmit basic information to physicians.

Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)

The devices are commonly available in public places. They are portable and automatic.

AEDs can help restore normal heart rhythm in patients have a sudden cardiac arrest.

The device can analyze heart rhythm and can help users determine whether a shock is needed to restore a normal heartbeat.

Prosthetic (artificial) heart valves

The devices are used for replacing diseased or dysfunctional heart valves.

They are usually made of artificial materials or made from tissue taken from animals or human cadavers.


The small devices are used to improve blood flow in the body. They are metal tubes that are inserted permanently into an artery.

They may also contain drugs that reduce prevent artery blockage.

Cardiac ablation catheters

The devices are long, thin flexible tubes that are threaded into or onto the heart.

The can help treat abnormally rapid heartbeats by modifying small areas of heart tissue that are leading to abnormal heart rhythms.

Cardiovascular angioplasty devices

This type of device is long, thin and flexible. The tubes can be threaded into a heart vessel or other blood vessel to open narrowed or blocked areas.

The main function of the devices is improving blood flow to the heart or to other parts of the body.

In this way, they can reduce chest or other pain caused by decreased blood flow to the heart, and treat heart attacks.

Ventricular assist devices (VADs)

These devices can help weak hearts pump blood effectively. They can be used for short-term and long-term therapy in patients with heart disease and need a heart transplant.

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