What you should know about aging-related eye diseases

What you should know about aging-related eye diseases

Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, is an eye disease leading to blurred central vision.

It is caused by damage to the macula, which is a small area at the back of the eye that helps you to see fine details up close.

AMD is common in people over 60. The condition could make daily tasks like reading and writing much harder and lower the quality of life.

Moreover, the condition can get worse when you get older.

Now, a Michigan Medicine eye specialist explains the signs of the treatment of the disease.

According to Julie Rosenthal, M.D., many people won’t know they have AMD until they receive a medical eye exam.

Doctors may use optical coherence tomography to test the disease.

In the test, a scanner uses light waves to form an image of a retina on a computer screen.

This test could distinguish two types of AMD: wet AMD and dry AMD.


Wet AMD is often caused by abnormal blood vessels in the back of the eye. The blood vessels could break and lead blood and fluid into the macula.

This will damage one’s vision very quickly.

To treat the disease, doctors often use anti-vascular endothelial growth factor medication in patients eyes. It can reduce abnormal blood vessel growth.

In addition, the patient needs to be monitored carefully to see if the disease will return.


Dry AMD is the most common type of AMD. About 85% of AMD patients have dry AMD.

The condition occurs when macula cells begin to become thin and break down. It is characterized by drusen buildup and typically get worse over time.

Usually, dry AMD is less severe than wet AMD, but it can go to more advanced stages.

Some healthy lifestyle factors could help reduce dry AMD risk, including a diet rich in green vegetables, no smoking, regular exercises, healthy body weight, and healthy blood pressure.

In addition, a vitamin regimen known as AREDS could help reduce the risk of dry AMD.

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