6 reasons you should take a walk everyday

Many chronic diseases are linked to specific dietary and lifestyle changes which include overeating, over-drinking, smoking and lack of physical activity.

There is no doubt that movement is essential for well being.

The general guidelines are that 30 minutes or more of walking every day at a speed of between 5-8 km per hour can improve health.

ln addition, recent research has shown that a 35-min walk every day could help reduce the risk of severe strokes.

And mild exercises like walking could help improve memory functions.

For those who still need convincing, there are 6 reasons to take up a daily outdoor walk.

Walking decreases your blood pressure

High blood pressure is a direct risk for stroke and heart-related illnesses and threats. Walking demonstrably reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Systolic blood pressure is the “first number” obtained when blood pressure is measured and represents the pressure in the arteries at the moment the heart is actively pumping blood into the system.

Diastolic, the “second number”, represents pressure in the arteries during the heart’s rest period.

High blood pressure is a dangerous health condition, and lifestyle takes a big role in it.

The reduction of high blood pressure can help reduce the risk for heart disease and strokes.

Walking prevents or delays type 2 diabetes

The American Diabetes Association provides strong evidence of the benefits of walking for people who have pre-diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, or even Type 1 Diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common and is linked to insulin resistance (or a lack of it), and it is strongly related to lifestyle habits.

Walking, like other exercises, could improve insulin functions and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Walking reduces depression symptoms

Rates of depression have risen 20% globally in a decade. This places depression as one of the leading causes of disability worldwide.

Walking has been recommended for managing symptoms of depression for a long time.

It’s been identified as an effective strategy, particularly when combined with the positive effects of sunshine and fresh air, as well as the social cohesion experienced when in a group.

Walking helps you lose weight

Humans were designed to move for optimal functioning and were designed to handle walking great distances over many hours.

Walking can contribute to improved body composition, with statistically significant reductions in body fat.

To put this into perspective, this doesn’t include any dietary changes, and evidence shows that exercise combined with a healthy diet could produce greater changes to body composition than exercise alone.

Walking has no adverse side effects

When individuals around the world participated in various walking programs based on the review of these studies, no notable adverse side effects were reported.

Walking is safe for children, young adults, and older adults. The take-home message here is that there is nothing to lose from trying it out and plenty to gain.

Walking doesn’t cost a thing

Walking is ideal when other resources, such as gyms and expensive sports equipment are limited.

But the simple exercise could address the growing burden of chronic diseases.

Walking in groups is even better. It adds an important element of safety. And it helps with motivation: when people walk in groups outdoors, they are less likely to give up too easily.

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Source: Rhodes University.