Latest Reports

Why people with obesity have higher risk of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar (glucose). With the rise in global obesity rates, the...

What you need to know about white coat hypertension

White coat hypertension might sound like something related to fashion, but it's actually a medical term that describes a common phenomenon. Imagine walking into a...

What you need to know about vascular dementia

Vascular dementia is the second most common type of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease, affecting millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the brain’s blood supply...

Weight loss: A key player in controlling type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a prevalent chronic disease that affects how the body processes blood sugar (glucose). For many, the battle against diabetes seems daunting,...

Scientists find common causes of high systolic blood pressure

High systolic blood pressure, often just called high blood pressure or hypertension, is a common condition that can significantly increase the risk of heart...

Less intense exercise tied to lower depression risk, study suggests

Recent research conducted by Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) has demonstrated a compelling link between regular low to moderate intensity exercise and a noticeable reduction...

How to boost liver and kidney health with dietary supplements

Maintaining the health of your liver and kidneys is crucial for overall well-being. These organs play vital roles in your body, from detoxifying harmful...

Why is it hard to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease accurately?

Alzheimer's disease, a leading cause of dementia, presents a significant challenge for both healthcare professionals and the families of those affected. Diagnosing Alzheimer's accurately is...

Yoga is a gentle force against type 2 diabetes

In the fight against Type 2 diabetes, a condition that affects millions worldwide, lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise play critical roles. Recently, yoga...

Overuse of antibiotics in COVID-19 patients linked to health deterioration

Recent research presented at the ESCMID Global Congress in Barcelona has revealed that using antibiotics to treat adults hospitalized with moderate COVID-19 can actually...

Exercise can ease peripheral artery disease symptoms

Patricia Creque describes herself as "one of those people who has music in my head and am always ready to dance." Peripheral artery disease (PAD),...

Cancer survivors feel lonelier and have higher death risk

A new study by the American Cancer Society (ACS) has uncovered a significant link between loneliness and increased mortality risk among cancer survivors. Published in...

Alcohol and heart health: What you need to know

Alcohol consumption and its effects on heart health have been subjects of scientific studies for decades, yielding results that are both intriguing and complex. While...

Scientists discover upper half of Ramesses II statue in Egypt

In a thrilling archaeological discovery, a team led by a University of Colorado Boulder researcher has unearthed the top half of a colossal statue...

How electric vehicle drivers can overcome range anxiety

Electric vehicle (EV) drivers often worry about how far they can drive before needing to recharge, a concern known as range anxiety. However, a new...

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Editors Picks

There was a doomed comet near the sun during the eclipse

A surprise appearance of a new comet made the April 8th total solar eclipse all the more memorable. Any dedicated ‘umbraphile’ will tell you: no...

Scientists develop revolutionary metasurface for precise wireless signal control

Researchers have recently made a significant breakthrough in wireless communication technology with the development of a new device known as a reconfigurable transmissive metasurface. This...

How methane could be appearing and disappearing on Mars

NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover has brought to light one of the most baffling discoveries on Mars—the presence of methane gas in Gale Crater. This finding...

Why has the Gulf of Alaska avoided massive underwater landslides for over a million...

A recent study delves into the mysteries of the Gulf of Alaska, exploring why the region hasn't experienced a massive underwater landslide, known as...

New low-cost, eco-friendly battery ingredient could revolutionize power storage

Lithium-ion batteries are everywhere—they power our smartphones, electric cars, and even help store energy at power stations. Despite their widespread use, these batteries have some...